js insertCell colspan
I am generating html table dynamically by javascript.
I want to access colspan properties of table cell.
What can be the way to achieve this?
The code snippet is :-
- for(i=0;i<parms.length-1;i++)
- {
- var GrpNames = parms[i].split(',');
- Row = window.tblvalue.insertRow();
- Row.style.width='100%';
- Row.align="right";
- Cell = Row.insertCell();
- Cell.colspan=' 2 '
- Cell.innerHTML="<a href='' style='Color:blue'
- onclick='return
- ShowCritGroupDetailList("+GrpNames[0]+")'>"+GrpNames[1]+"</
- a>";
- Cell = Row.insertCell();
- Cell.innerHTML="<input type=checkbox name=chk_" + i +"
- id="+GrpNames[0]+"; value='C'>";
- }
In case-sensitive javascript it is important to use the correct
sequence of upper and lower case letters in property names. In this
case the 'S' in 'span' should be a capital.
(and the expectation would be that the value assigned should be
numeric and not a string.)