/* these selector names are based on what you provide to the class */
/* example 1 */
#box { border:1px solid #ccc; width:200px; height:20px; }
#perc { background:#ccc; height:20px; }
/* example 2 */
#box2 { background:url(progress-bar-back.gif) right center no-repeat; width:200px; height:20px; float:left; }
#perc2 { background:url(progress-bar.gif) right center no-repeat; height:20px; }
#text { font-family:tahoma, arial, sans-serif; font-size:11px; color:#000; float:left; padding:3px 0 0 10px; }
You'll declare styles for the three generated XHTML elements. You'll like use background colors and background images. You will also want to define a width value for the outside box.
The MooTools JavaScript: dwProgressBar
//class is in
var dwProgressBar = new Class({
Implements: [Options],
options: {
container: $$('body')[0],
startPercentage: 0,
displayText: false,
initialize: function(options) {
//set options
//create elements
//creates the box and percentage elements
createElements: function() {
var box = new Element('div', { id:this.options.boxID });
var perc = new Element('div', { id:this.options.percentageID, 'style':'width:0px;' });
if(this.options.displayText) {
var text = new Element('div', { id:this.options.displayID });
//calculates width in pixels from percentage
calculate: function(percentage) {
return ($(this.options.boxID).getStyle('width').replace('px','') * (percentage / 100)).toInt();
//animates the change in percentage
animate: function(to) {
$(this.options.percentageID).set('morph', { duration: this.options.speed, link:'cancel' }).morph({width:this.calculate(to.toInt())});
if(this.options.displayText) {
$(this.options.displayID).set('text', to.toInt() + '%');
//sets the percentage from its current state to desired percentage
set: function(to) {
The class accepts the following options:
container: element that the entire progress bar gets placed in
boxID: the IDof the progress bar's containing DIV
percentageID: the ID of the progress bar's animated/sliding DIV
displayID: the ID of the progress bar's "{x} %" text DIV
startPercentage: the percentage at which you'd like the progress bar to start at (defaults to 0)
displayText: Boolean. Do you want the progress bar to show the percentage in text format too?
speed: speed of the animation to the given percentage
MooTools Usage
//once the DOM is ready
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
/* create the progress bar for example 1 */
pb = new dwProgressBar({
container: $('put-bar-here'),
startPercentage: 25,
boxID: 'box',
percentageID: 'perc'
/* create the progress bar for example 2 */
pb2 = new dwProgressBar({
container: $('put-bar-here2'),
startPercentage: 10,
boxID: 'box2',
percentageID: 'perc2',
displayID: 'text',
displayText: true
/* move the first progress bar to 55% */
/* move the second progress bar to 89% */
All you need to do is create an instance of the dwProgressBar and pass your desired options. It's quick and easy. To move the progress bar, all you need to do is call the "set()" method, passing it the desired percentage.