
Illustrated guide to SQLX
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sqlx is a package for Go which provides a set of extensions on top of the excellent built-in database/sql package.

Examining Go idioms is the focus of this document, so there is no presumption being made that any SQL herein is actually a recommended way to use a database. It will not cover setting up a Go development environment, basic Go information about syntax or semantics, or SQL itself.

Finally, the standard err variable will be used to indicate that errors are being returned, but for brevity they will be ignored. You should make sure to check all errors in an actual program.

There are other resources of excellent information about using SQL in Go:

database/sql documentation
go-database-sql tutorial
If you need help getting started with Go itself, I recommend these resources:

The Go tour
How to write Go code
Effective Go
Because the database/sql interface is a subset of sqlx, all of the advice in these documents about database/sql usage also apply to usage of sqlx.

Getting Started 
You will want to install sqlx and a database driver. Since it's infrastructureless, I recommend mattn's sqlite3 driver to start out with:

$ go get github.com/jmoiron/sqlx
$ go get github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
Handle Types 
sqlx is intended to have the same feel as database/sql. There are 4 main handle types:

sqlx.DB - analagous to sql.DB, a representation of a database
sqlx.Tx - analagous to sql.Tx, a representation of a transaction
sqlx.Stmt - analagous to sql.Stmt, a representation of a prepared statement
sqlx.NamedStmt - a representation of a prepared statement with support for named parameters
Handle types all embed their database/sql equivalents, meaning that when you call sqlx.DB.Query, you are calling the same code as sql.DB.Query. This makes it easy to introduce into an existing codebase.

In addition to these, there are 2 cursor types:

sqlx.Rows - analagous to sql.Rows, a cursor returned from Queryx
sqlx.Row - analagous to sql.Row, a result returned from QueryRowx
As with the handle types, sqlx.Rows embeds sql.Rows. Because the underlying implementation was inaccessible, sqlx.Row is a partial re-implementation of sql.Row that retains the standard interface.

Connecting to Your Database 
A DB instance is not a connection, but an abstraction representing a Database. This is why creating a DB does not return an error and will not panic. It maintains a connection pool internally, and will attempt to connect when a connection is first needed. You can create an sqlx.DB via Open or by creating a new sqlx DB handle from an existing sql.DB via NewDb:

var db *sqlx.DB
// exactly the same as the built-in
db = sqlx.Open("sqlite3", ":memory:")
// from a pre-existing sql.DB; note the required driverName
db = sqlx.NewDb(sql.Open("sqlite3", ":memory:"), "sqlite3")
// force a connection and test that it worked
err = db.Ping()
In some situations, you might want to open a DB and connect at the same time; for instance, in order to catch configuration issues during your initialization phase. You can do this in one go with Connect, which Opens a new DB and attempts a Ping. The MustConnect variant will panic when encountering an error, suitable for use at the module level of your package.

var err error
// open and connect at the same time:
db, err = sqlx.Connect("sqlite3", ":memory:")
// open and connect at the same time, panicing on error
db = sqlx.MustConnect("sqlite3", ":memory:")
Querying 101 
The handle types in sqlx implement the same basic verbs for querying your database:

Exec(...) (sql.Result, error) - unchanged from database/sql
Query(...) (*sql.Rows, error) - unchanged from database/sql
QueryRow(...) *sql.Row - unchanged from database/sql
These extensions to the built-in verbs:

MustExec() sql.Result -- Exec, but panic on error
Queryx(...) (*sqlx.Rows, error) - Query, but return an sqlx.Rows
QueryRowx(...) *sqlx.Row -- QueryRow, but return an sqlx.Row
And these new semantics:

Get(dest interface{}, ...) error
Select(dest interface{}, ...) error
Let's go from the unchanged interface through the new semantics, explaining their use.

Exec and MustExec get a connection from the connection pool and executes the provided query on the server. For drivers that do not support ad-hoc query execution, a prepared statement may be created behind the scenes to be executed. The connection is returned to the pool before the result is returned.

schema := `CREATE TABLE place (
    country text,
    city text NULL,
    telcode integer);`
// execute a query on the server
result, err := db.Exec(schema)
// or, you can use MustExec, which panics on error
cityState := `INSERT INTO place (country, telcode) VALUES (?, ?)`
countryCity := `INSERT INTO place (country, city, telcode) VALUES (?, ?, ?)`
db.MustExec(cityState, "Hong Kong", 852)
db.MustExec(cityState, "Singapore", 65)
db.MustExec(countryCity, "South Africa", "Johannesburg", 27)
The result has two possible pieces of data: LastInsertId() or RowsAffected(), the availability of which is driver dependent. In MySQL, for instance, LastInsertId() will be available on inserts with an auto-increment key, but in PostgreSQL, this information can only be retrieved from a normal row cursor by using the RETURNING clause.

The ? query placeholders, called bindvars internally, are important; you should always use these to send values to the database, as they will prevent SQL injection attacks. database/sql does not attempt any validation on the query text; it is sent to the server as is, along with the encoded parameters. Unless drivers implement a special interface, the query is prepared on the server first before execution. Bindvars are therefore database specific:

MySQL uses the ? variant shown above
PostgreSQL uses an enumerated $1, $2, etc bindvar syntax
SQLite accepts both ? and $1 syntax
Oracle uses a :name syntax
Other databases may vary. You can use the sqlx.DB.Rebind(string) string function with the ? bindvar syntax to get a query which is suitable for execution on your current database type.

A common misconception with bindvars is that they are used for interpolation. They are only for parameterization, and are not allowed to change the structure of an SQL statement. For instance, using bindvars to try and parameterize column or table names will not work:

// doesn't work
db.Query("SELECT * FROM ?", "mytable")
// also doesn't work
db.Query("SELECT ?, ? FROM people", "name", "location")
Query is the primary way to run queries with database/sql that return row results. Query returns an sql.Rows object and an error:

// fetch all places from the db
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT country, city, telcode FROM place")
// iterate over each row
for rows.Next() {
    var country string
    // note that city can be NULL, so we use the NullString type
    var city    sql.NullString
    var telcode int
    err = rows.Scan(&country, &city, &telcode)
You should treat the Rows like a database cursor rather than a materialized list of results. Although driver buffering behavior can vary, iterating via Next() is a good way to bound the memory usage of large result sets, as you're only scanning a single row at a time. Scan() uses reflect to map sql column return types to Go types like string, []byte, et al. If you do not iterate over a whole rows result, be sure to call rows.Close() to return the connection back to the pool!

The error returned by Query is any error that might have happened while preparing or executing on the server. This can include grabbing a bad connection from the pool, although database/sql will retry 10 times to attempt to find or create a working connection. Generally, the error will be due to bad SQL syntax, type mismatches, or incorrect field and table names.

In most cases, Rows.Scan will copy the data it gets from the driver, as it is not aware of how the driver may reuse its buffers. The special type sql.RawBytes can be used to get a zero-copy slice of bytes from the actual data returned by the driver. After the next call to Next(), such a value is no longer valid, as that memory might have been overwritten by the driver.

The connection used by the Query remains active until either all rows are exhausted by the iteration via Next, or rows.Close() is called, at which point it is released. For more information, see the section on the connection pool.

The sqlx extension Queryx behaves exactly as Query does, but returns an sqlx.Rows, which has extended scanning behaviors:

type Place struct {
    Country       string
    City          sql.NullString
    TelephoneCode int `db:"telcode"`
rows, err := db.Queryx("SELECT * FROM place")
for rows.Next() {
    var p Place
    err = rows.StructScan(&p)
The primary extension on sqlx.Rows is StructScan(), which automatically scans results into struct fields. Note that the fields must be exported (capitalized) in order for sqlx to be able to write into them, something true of all marshallers in Go. You can use the db struct tag to specify which column name maps to each struct field, or set a new default mapping with db.MapperFunc(). The default behavior is to use strings.Lower on the field name to match against the column names. For more information about StructScan, SliceScan, and MapScan, see the section on advanced scanning.

QueryRow fetches one row from the server. It takes a connection from the connection pool and executes the query using Query, returning a Row object which has its own internal Rows object:

row := db.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM place WHERE telcode=?", 852)
var telcode int
err = row.Scan(&telcode)
Unlike Query, QueryRow returns a Row type result with no error, making it safe to chain the Scan off of the return. If there was an error executing the query, that error is returned by Scan. If there are no rows, Scan returns sql.ErrNoRows. If the scan itself fails (eg. due to type mismatch), that error is also returned.

The Rows struct internal to the Row result is Closed upon Scan, meaning that the connection used by QueryRow is kept open until the result is scanned. It also means that sql.RawBytes is not usable here, since the referenced memory belongs to the driver and may already be invalid by the time control is returned to the caller.

The sqlx extension QueryRowx will return an sqlx.Row instead of an sql.Row, and it implements the same scanning extensions as Rows, outlined above and in the advanced scanning section:

var p Place
err := db.QueryRowx("SELECT city, telcode FROM place LIMIT 1").StructScan(&p)
Get and Select 
Get and Select are time saving extensions to the handle types. They combine the execution of a query with flexible scanning semantics. To explain them clearly, we have to talk about what it means to be scannable:

a value is scannable if it is not a struct, eg string, int
a value is scannable if it implements sql.Scanner
a value is scannable if it is a struct with no exported fields (eg. time.Time)
Get and Select use rows.Scan on scannable types and rows.StructScan on non-scannable types. They are roughly analagous to QueryRow and Query, where Get is useful for fetching a single result and scanning it, and Select is useful for fetching a slice of results:

p := Place{}
pp := []Place{}
// this will pull the first place directly into p
err = db.Get(&p, "SELECT * FROM place LIMIT 1")
// this will pull places with telcode > 50 into the slice pp
err = db.Select(&pp, "SELECT * FROM place WHERE telcode > ?", 50)
// they work with regular types as well
var id int
err = db.Get(&id, "SELECT count(*) FROM place")
// fetch at most 10 place names
var names []string
err = db.Select(&names, "SELECT name FROM place LIMIT 10")
Get and Select both will close the Rows they create during query execution, and will return any error encountered at any step of the process. Since they use StructScan internally, the details in the advanced scanning section also apply to Get and Select.

Select can save you a lot of typing, but beware! It's semantically different from Queryx, since it will load the entire result set into memory at once. If that set is not bounded by your query to some reasonable size, it might be best to use the classic Queryx/StructScan iteration instead.

To use transactions, you must create a transaction handle with DB.Begin(). Code like this will not work:

// this will not work if connection pool > 1
Remember, Exec and all other query verbs will ask the DB for a connection and then return it to the pool each time. There's no guarantee that you will receive the same connection that the BEGIN statement was executed on. To use transactions, you must therefore use DB.Begin()

tx, err := db.Begin()
err = tx.Exec(...)
err = tx.Commit()
The DB handle also has the extensions Beginx() and MustBegin(), which return an sqlx.Tx instead of an sql.Tx:

tx := db.MustBegin()
err = tx.Commit()
sqlx.Tx has all of the handle extensions that sqlx.DB has.

Since transactions are connection state, the Tx object must bind and control a single connection from the pool. A Tx will maintain that single connection for its entire life cycle, releasing it only when Commit() or Rollback() is called. You should take care to call at least one of these, or else the connection will be held until garbage collection.

Because you only have one connection to use in a transaction, you can only execute one statement at a time; the cursor types Row and Rows must be Scanned or Closed, respectively, before executing another query. If you attempt to send the server data while it is sending you a result, it can potentially corrupt the connection.

Finally, Tx objects do not actually imply any behavior on the server; they merely execute a BEGIN statement and bind a single connection. The actual behavior of the transaction, including things like locking and isolation, is completely unspecified and database dependent.

Prepared Statements 
On most databases, statements will actually be prepared behind the scenes whenever a query is executed. However, you may also explicitly prepare statements for reuse elsewhere with sqlx.DB.Prepare():

stmt, err := db.Prepare(`SELECT * FROM place WHERE telcode=?`)
row = stmt.QueryRow(65)
tx, err := db.Begin()
txStmt, err := tx.Prepare(`SELECT * FROM place WHERE telcode=?`)
row = txStmt.QueryRow(852)
Prepare actually runs the preparation on the database, so it requires a connection and its connection state. database/sql abstracts this from you, allowing you to execute from a single Stmt object concurrently on many connections by creating the statements on new connections automatically. Preparex(), which returns an sqlx.Stmt which has all of the handle extensions that sqlx.DB and sqlx.Tx do:

stmt, err := db.Preparex(`SELECT * FROM place WHERE telcode=?`)
var p Place
err = stmt.Get(&p, 852)
The standard sql.Tx object also has a Stmt() method which returns a transaction-specific statement from a pre-existing one. sqlx.Tx has a Stmtx version which will create a new transaction specific sqlx.Stmt from an existing sql.Stmt or sqlx.Stmt.

Query Helpers
The database/sql package does not do anything with your actual query text. This makes it trivial to use backend-specific features in your code; you can write queries just as you would write them in your database prompt. While this is very flexible, it makes writing certain kinds of queries difficult.

"In" Queries 
Because database/sql does not inspect your query and it passes your arguments directly to the driver, it makes dealing with queries with IN clauses difficult:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE level IN (?);
When this gets prepared as a statement on the backend, the bindvar ? will only correspond to a single argument, but what is often desired is for that to be a variable number of arguments depending on the length of some slice, eg:

var levels = []int{4, 6, 7}
rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE level IN (?);", levels)
This pattern is possible by first processing the query with sqlx.In:

var levels = []int{4, 6, 7}
query, args, err := sqlx.In("SELECT * FROM users WHERE level IN (?);", levels)
// sqlx.In returns queries with the `?` bindvar, we can rebind it for our backend
query = db.Rebind(query)
rows, err := db.Query(query, args...)
What sqlx.In does is expand any bindvars in the query passed to it that correspond to a slice in the arguments to the length of that slice, and then append those slice elements to a new arglist. It does this with the ? bindvar only; you can use db.Rebind to get a query suitable for your backend.

Named Queries 
Named queries are common to many other database packages. They allow you to use a bindvar syntax which refers to the names of struct fields or map keys to bind variables a query, rather than having to refer to everything positionally. The struct field naming conventions follow that of StructScan, using the NameMapper and the db struct tag. There are two extra query verbs related to named queries:

NamedQuery(...) (*sqlx.Rows, error) - like Queryx, but with named bindvars
NamedExec(...) (sql.Result, error) - like Exec, but with named bindvars
And one extra handle type:

NamedStmt - an sqlx.Stmt which can be prepared with named bindvars
// named query with a struct
p := Place{Country: "South Africa"}
rows, err := db.NamedQuery(`SELECT * FROM place WHERE country=:country`, p)
// named query with a map
m := map[string]interface{}{"city": "Johannesburg"}
result, err := db.NamedExec(`SELECT * FROM place WHERE city=:city`, m)
Named query execution and preparation works off both structs and maps. If you desire the full set of query verbs, prepare a named statement and use that instead:

p := Place{TelephoneCode: 50}
pp := []Place{}
// select all telcodes > 50
nstmt, err := db.PrepareNamed(`SELECT * FROM place WHERE telcode > :telcode`)
err = nstmt.Select(&pp, p)
Named query support is implemented by parsing the query for the :param syntax and replacing it with the bindvar supported by the underlying database, then performing the mapping at execution, so it is usable on any database that sqlx supports. You can also use sqlx.Named, which uses the ? bindvar, and can be composed with sqlx.In:
